In this episode of the HUMAN First podcast, Dr. Courtney gets real about her main mental health struggle, Borderline Personality Disorder, with a fellow person with BPD, Mollie. Mollie is the host of the wildly popular BPD-focused podcast, Back From The Borderline, and the creator of the companion Instagram account, @backfromtheborderline.
Here is a list of the topics/questions they discuss:
Mollie discusses her mission to become an emotional grown up (something so many of us need to do...)
Realizing your parents are flawed humans like you (yikes!)
Dr. Courtney discusses KARMA the group discussion at her old treatment center
How BPD has been defined and how it is defined today by Mollie (so helpful!)
Why Mollie created her podcast Back from the Borderline
How many people have BPD and why you probably know someone who has it (spoiler: you do if you're listening to this podcast)
The criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder from the DSM-5
Mollie discusses how the symptoms she experiences are universal but for those who struggle with BPD are chronic (YES)
Why it’s sometimes called "EUPD" vs "BPD"
Molly shares her experience going to a psychiatrist and how that unfolded
Hypersexuality and using sex as self-harm (one of Dr. Courtney's biggest self-harming techniques as well)
Suicidal ideation as a result of undiagnosed BPD
Medication vs Coping Skills
Spirituality as a means of re-parenting and more of Molly’s coping skills
You can find Mollie on Instagram at: @backfromtheborderline
You can also find her podcasts wherever podcasts are found. Here is a link to Spotify and a link to Apple!
Dr. Courtney Tracy’s additional offerings:
Twitter: @_thetruthdoctor
SNAP Discover Show: Therapist Reacts
Exclusive YouTube Show: The Truth Doctor Show
Healing texts: USA & Canada (424) 228-9525 (just shoot her a text!)
This podcast is not therapy and does not provide personalized clinical advice. The purpose of this podcast is to provide mental health based entertainment and psychoeducation.
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